Friday, September 30, 2011

Hello All,

How are you guys doing? Hope all is well on this wonderful September afternoon. 

As you all know about eight months back while I was in the middle of doing something that I cannot mention here, I became the proud owner of an iPhone 4. After reluctantly discarding my brilliant dual sim and very cheap on the pocket Micromax, I got myself around to figuring this masterpiece of an invention. And by God, I am still in the process of discovering. My wife, the source and the reason (she paid for it) for me having this great gadget, complains that now she has slipped further down in the pecking order of my priorities...As it stands today, she claims she is somewhere near No.4. I at no point am going to defend my top secret rankings. But that's not the reason, why I write this mail...

My fascination for the phone stemmed with the apps and one of the greatest features is the camera...Now I have decided to go around trying my luck at getting some great snaps and also use the apps on board to make great snaps greater...Now great is a very subjective term and hence I am all for critical appreciation and condemnation and hence would like all you lovely people to go and have a look at this great blog that I have created for my snaps called Camera Phone Magic (

For all those who haven't already gone through Discover a Bar (, do have a look at that as well...I am looking to get back to writing, something that doesn't involve me spending money from my pocket. Will keep you all updated on that as well...


Senor Gonz

PS - Please do forward the same to your friends who you feel would enjoy something like this

Spain and a lot more...